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The FIE is represented on the national territory through Regional Directorates (RD). The six (06) DRs cover specific administrative regions. So, we have:


Western Regional Directorate (based in Bobo-Dioulasso) which includes the administrative regions of Hauts-Bassins, Cascades and Sud-Ouest;

M. Nestor KINI Directeur Regional de lOuest


Mr Nestor KINI

Western Regional Director

 Central West Regional Directorate (based in Koudougou) which includes the administrative regions of Boucle du Mouhoun and Center-Ouest

 M. Jean Pierre ZONGO Directeur Regional du Centre Ouest

Mr Jean Pierre ZONGO

Regional Director West Central

 Regional Directorate of the North (based in Ouahigouya) which brings together the North administrative region

M. Guillaume KABRE Directeur Regional du Nord


Mr Guillaume KABRE

Regional Director North

 Regional Directorate of the Center (based in Ouagadougou) which groups the administrative regions of the Center, Central Plateau, and South Central
Eastern Regional Directorate (based in Fada) which brings together the administrative regions of East and Central East
Sahel Regional Directorate (based in Dori) which includes the administrative regions of North Central and Sahel


The FIE DR ensures the implementation and monitoring of the activities programmed by the General Management at the regional level. The DR ensures regular contact with the project promoters and reports on its activities to the Chief Executive Officer. It also has among others attributions of:

  • participate in the launching of calls for projects and the selection of projects;
  • support, monitor and control the implementation of funded projects;
  • ensure a good linkage of FIE funding with other stakeholders in the sector at regional level;
  • collect the elements of regional monitoring and evaluation.


Six (06) regional directorates of the FIE cover the national territory. Those are :