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In Burkina, the environment is everyone's business, as stated in the Basic Law in its article 29, which makes the protection, defense and promotion of the environment a duty incumbent on all. And the different national policies and strategies in the Environment sector aim to benefit from the contribution of each stakeholder group at its level and in its field. In coherence with this, the FIE finances the environmental projects of all the actors intervening in the sector, in particular:

  • local authorities (regions and urban or rural communes, alone or in inter-municipal terms),
  • private operators and for-profit or economic groups,
  • non-profit associations (associations, NGOs),
  • technical services (public administrations),
  • research institutions and public or private training centers.


The FIE finances each group of actors only in the fields of competence that are theirs according to the policies and regulations in force. The FIE supports the implementation of the institutional reforms expected in the Forest / Environment sector, such as decentralization or good governance in the management of natural resources. It does so through envelopes that target types of projects to support according to each group of actors.

The FIE uses mainly grants. This is because environmental actions often have no direct economic return in the short term for their beneficiaries and must be stimulated by subsidies. A minimum contribution is requested from the beneficiary.


The structures established in Burkina Faso and for environmental actions carried out in Burkina Faso are eligible for the FIE.